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The world’s finest, most naturally flavorful, colorful and aromatic alternative
- to -
fresh leafy greens, culinary herbs and light vegetables.


STBL™ products are the end of the quest for alternatives to:

Flash Frozen, Freeze Dried or Conventionally Dehydrated products

STBL processing offers over 70 leafy greens, culinary herbs, light vegetables and speciality botanical products.
STBL products are gently dried by low, “ambient" temperature airflow.
STBL products are not exposed to high heat or high pressure.
STBL products have the waxes, gums, lipids and resins gently removed.
STBL products do not become rancid from retained lipids.  
STBL products present minimal fading or color shift.
STBL products require no refrigeration and offer reliable shelf stability for extended periods of time.
STBL products retain natural color, and do not seep out color, in hot fill applications.
STBL products achieve maximal rehydration when used as an ingredient.
STBL processing does not rupture the cell wall of the leaf or stem.
STBL retains the particle identity of the plant leaves and stem.

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Stabilized Cilantro

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Fresh Cilantro

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Freeze Dried Cilantro

Freeze Dried or Conventionally Dehydrated products retain lipids, waxes, gums and resins in the leaves and stems.
Freeze Dried or Conventionally Dehydrated products become progressively rancid from retained lipids, waxes, gums and resins.
Freeze Drying or Conventionally Dehydrating causes natural plant colors to fade, shift or disappear.
Freeze Drying ruptures the cell wall of the plant and destroys the particle identity.
Freeze Dried or Conventionally Dehydrated products rehydrate only minimally.
Freeze Dried or Conventionally Dehydrated products bleed color in hot fill applications.
Freeze Drying or Conventionally Dehydrated products loose most all of their natural aromatic body in processing.
Freeze Dried or Conventionally Dehydrated products heavily laden with retained lipids may require refrigeration.

©2024 by STBL

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